all postcodes in RM20 / GRAYS

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM20 4AA 59 4 51.477633 0.303079
RM20 4AB 59 0 51.477741 0.300291
RM20 4AD 54 4 51.476988 0.29697
RM20 4AE 49 0 51.476383 0.308057
RM20 4AG 39 0 51.475526 0.292648
RM20 4AJ 58 0 51.476042 0.293365
RM20 4AL 1 1 51.47298 0.293586
RM20 4AN 51 0 51.47602 0.291722
RM20 4AP 40 0 51.476082 0.296391
RM20 4AQ 36 0 51.475328 0.293531
RM20 4AR 43 8 51.476539 0.290927
RM20 4AS 99 0 51.474925 0.292531
RM20 4AT 50 0 51.477422 0.290856
RM20 4AU 1 1 51.475683 0.28871
RM20 4AW 72 0 51.475098 0.295175
RM20 4AX 41 0 51.475841 0.294449
RM20 4AY 18 0 51.475507 0.295455
RM20 4BA 6 4 51.475393 0.29025
RM20 4BE 8 0 51.477215 0.292229
RM20 4DB 11 11 51.478538 0.294052